90 Day Breakthrough Experience

During this 3 month program, we will define and cultivate self-love, review and establish healthy boundaries and ways to directly and effectively maintain those boundaries. You will learn my specific break through formula to help you level up your confidence, your self worth, and set higher standards for yourself and others that come into your life. You will become goal oriented towards your future and your purpose.

90 Day BREAKTHROUGH Experience
Sale Price:$2,500.00 Original Price:$4,500.00

Upon completion of the Breakthrough Self LOVE experience, you will live your life with authority and compassion. You will possess the ability to advocate and stand up for yourself in your relationships as a result of flawlessly knowing your worth. You will no longer feel guilty for putting yourself first, now knowing the benefit that you and others around you get from your positive efforts. You will learn to say no to the people, places, and things that do not serve you so that you may begin to honor yourself and your commitments, build self trust, and begin to achieve the goals you set out for. You will complete this program as your highest self no longer allowing others to compromise your worthiness.

Includes Weekly 1:1 Calls

Copy of Breakthrough Journal

Vision Board Workshop

Text support for 2 additional weeks

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